I have to admit, advertisements and television programmes are my source of inspiration. By saying this, I mean emulation. We try to emulate our favourite celebrity by following their dressing and maybe even personalities (Of course, this is just a general assumption).This is not to say audiences, like myself, lack our own set of thinking. Rather, it goes to show the powerful influences those media sources have on us.
Good or bad influences, communication through the media works. Be it a Visa advertisement or ‘Little Britain’ comedy series, we are constantly exposed globally (though not in being). Let me cite the example using advertisements. I’m certain most of us have watched advertisements that do not mean anything but still, it is stuck in our heads. It could be the music or simply the comedic facial expressions of the models (think lexis and pathos).
Here, I’d like to share the recent advertisement from bodybymilk(see above).
So what is bodybymilk? As its name suggests, it is a campaign in the USA to encourage teenagers to drink milk and the goodness it has to offer. Famous celebrities like Miley Cyrus, Chris Brown and most recently, Taylor Swift, front the campaign.
The use of catchphrases ‘studies suggest...milk instead of sugary drinks tend to be leaner...’ help to further reinforce the message to teenagers. Here, the style and delivery of words chosen are straightforward, yet very meaningful.( To get the message straight across to teenagers.)
Then, there is the milk mustache(I followed the spelling from the website) all the celebrities adorn. I personally like it. It brings out the concept of logos and pathos. Why? Logo- Drink milk, get a milk moustache and stay healthy. Simple. As for pathos, the advertisement itself speaks a thousand words. The signature ‘got milk’ encapsulates the message to the teenagers out there and helps engrave in their mind that drinking milk is good(makes them ask themselves if they’ve had their glass of milk for the day).
So you see, communication has evolved over the years. I would say, not just over the centuries, but decade after decade as well. As people get more exposed globally, ideas are more open and conventional communication methods just do not seem to appeal as much as creative ones that touch on logos, pathos and audience responses (I feel they’re very important because most success stem from human emotions and interpretations).
Now after seeing this advertisement and all the healthy benefits it boasts, are you craving for that glass of milk? Do check out the website www.bodybymilk.com